Monday, August 27, 2018

Abxious Again

I finally got a phone message this morning about a follow up meeting with work.  There's nothing like being anxious about a meeting than waiting for almost two days.  And why is it happening on the day off during my vacation week?  How do they know that I'm not out of town and unable to return?

This is going to drive me nuts until Wednesday morning.  The unknown, sinking stomach effect that's going to give me the squirts tomorrow.  I hate having that feeling and I wish I knew how to get rid of it.  I am trying to stay positive and hope that nothing extreme happens.

It's bad enough that I've stayed home and not gone anywhere for the last two weeks waiting for a call.  But then on the day that I finally decide to go out and do something, the call comes in and a message is left.  No, I don't have a cell phone.  I'm one of the few people who has refused to opt for one and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to afford it by the end of the week.

I can only think positively and hope I get an extra three days off.  Or that the potential of having three days off cancels part of my vacation.  Here's to thinking positively.

Now to go and get groceries while I still can and not burn a hole in my budget.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Hurry up and wait

Without going into details about the steaming pile of bull, I'm starting to get bored of the extra time off from work.  It is becoming slightly boring and it's difficult to know what to do next when I don't know when I'll be back to work.  The only hope is that my "paid vacation"  is true and that I will continue to draw a pay from work.

Unfortunately, I don't know when I'll be returning to work.  I very much like knowing what I'm doing day to day, as in I'm working tomorrow and the day after and then having a day off.  But it doesn't work when you've been off for the better part of three weeks.  Don't get me wrong, I love the time off.  I don't have to listen to the rumors, complaints, the daily life history of anyone or any other crap that goes on with the social club I work at.  Yes, the place I work at isn't work, it's a social club.

I really don't know what to do with myself from one day to the next.  I want to go out and do something each day that I'm off.  It doesn't work that easily when I'm waiting for a phone call to give a time and place for the follow up HR meeting.  I just want it done and over with.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Steaming Pile of Bull

I fully understand that it doesn't matter what job I may have, regardless of what company employs me, that there is politics that goes along with it. There's always someone who complains, a lazy person that should have been fired and then there's the workers who get run over by the big yellow bus.  I'm currently in the process of being thrown under the bus by management and a co-worker who is my opinion a dictator.

Until recently, I was working 12 hour shift where I work two days, off two days and every other weekend.  Management decided to switch up the schedule and put it into effect just before the summer months.  It included getting rid of the 12 hours shifts and turning them into 8 hour shifts.  I believed I would be working Monday to Friday with weekends off.  How could things go wrong with that thinking?  I was looking forward to having every weekend off.

Before the new schedule went into effect, I knew there would be an issue with submitting summer vacation. I attempted to confirm with management what my schedule would/could look like so I base what I'd like to have off around what I was working.  What happened? Management decided playing stupid and not knowing what the schedule looked like was the way to go. What? That's your job to know since you've been planning the changes for a couple months.   Red Flag anyone?

Eventually, the department was given 28 days notice about the new schedule.  I was told that I would have every Wednesday and every other weekend off.  One day off through the week and doing a job that I'm not trained on during the weekends? WTF? Seriously,  what was management thinking?  For those who went from 12 hour shifts to 8 hour shifts, all of us were bent over and screwed.

Here is where things get slowly f*@ked up.  The first three weekends that I was scheduled went off without a hitch.  I worked according to what I was scheduled.  On the fourth weekend, as I initial the sign-in sheet I notice that I'm not doing the job/duties I had previously done.  I get in touch with management to find out and why I'm doing something different from previous weekends.  I was told that management "has the right to place staff where needed at any time".  I stated that it would have nice to have been given a "heads-up" about the change.  I also thought after wards that a follow up conversation would have take place to discuss what happened.

Then the fifth weekend comes along.  On the Friday, a co-worker tells me that she and I will be doing what had originally assigned to do.  Again, what?  How is it that a co-worker is verbally told this and I'm not?  I come in for that first shift and the sign-in sheet clearly shows that I was back to job I was originally assigned to do.  From there, the proverbially pile of bull starts to hit the fan.

Phone calls are had, management talks with a few people in the department and I'm given a run down on what has been "possible" said.  The partial phrase "refusing to do ward trays" comes up and I think who is refusing?  Not only that I know exactly who said it.  It's a co-worker that gets up into every one's business and dictates what goes on in the department. A busy body who has no business acting like management and needs a severe head slap  to remind them focus on doing their own job and not worry about what everyone else is or isn't doing.

{paused for a phone call from work}

The weekend ends with me being righteously pissed off and wanting to thrash something.  It leaves me wondering why I'm not closer to retirement age.  The next morning I come into work as per my schedule.  Four hours later, I'm informed that I'm on paid suspension until a HR meeting is arranged.  I leave for a couple days off.  I just got the phone call telling me that the meeting is tomorrow.  Of course, I'm now fretting about what's going to happen tomorrow.  I'm completely worried that I'm going to lose my full time job and pension because of the stupidity of management.  I seriously hope not. I only hope that the pile of bull lands on somebody else tomorrow morning.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Crappy Weather Day

Anyone who lives in Southwestern Ontario this weekend knows it's a crappy weekend because of the weather.  There's an ice-storm in progress and it's providing a good reason to stay inside.

What's on my mind today?  After having a 8 hour suspension from work, I am glad I cancelled the car reservation that I made for this weekend.  I don't have the money for it and I wouldn't want to be out driving in this weather.

Right now as it stands, it has been a year and a half since my car broke down and died.  Which leaves me few options on how to get out of town.  One of them being renting a car.  I love the option of being able to rent a car from a local place but it sucks to pay out more money than what it's worth.  I definitely don't look like this when it happens.

Unfortunately, I'm still looking at a debt that I'm paying off from two years ago.  Between the "special assessment" for the condo that I live in, the car repairs and the already existing  on the line of credit, it has been a long road to paying nearly $7000 completely off.  This is based on the fact that I don't have a boyfriend/husband or a room-mate to help out with the household expenses.

<PAUSED - due to google search>

Okay, now I'm miffed about what I've just found.  Enterprise rent-a-car sucks the big one.  I don't know how many times I needed to rent a car for just a day and Enterprise doesn't do it with any deals.  I've found a site that provides multiple deals that include renting a car for a day - even if it's in the middle of the week.  What gives with Enterprise only giving you a deal if you rent for a week or weekend?

Oh well, I've found a new site that does what I'd like.  Now back to the piss, poor day that has me doing housework that I don't want to do.  I'm finally getting around to doing laundry, light dusting and general housework.  Did I mention that I don't like doing it?  Point being, I'm doing it now so that I can do what I want when there's nice weather outside.  I hope that it isn't too bad for my trip into work tomorrow on the bus.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

For my co-workers - You know who you are

I know who you are.  This is not my judgemental face.  This is me using all the restraint from doing or saying something stupid.

When good people are punished.

After many years of putting up with BS at work, I've gotten my first day off - un-paid. All because of a co-worker who hasn't got the sense that God gave a little chicken.  It doesn't matter at the moment what went wrong or why, it just did.

I'm very aware that I'll never win the Miss Congeniality award based on my work life.  However, I've got a decent  work ethic.  I go to work and get paid to do work.  My co-workers, are the laziest people I've seen.  They believe it's a social club and not a hospital.

All those lazy, socially inept people seem to think it's okay to crap on those who actually work.  The only thing saving them is the union.  Seriously, management needs to crack down on the BS that's going on.  Showing up late for work, standing around for great length of time and complaining that they are the hardest working people when they haven't done anything in two hours. It bothers me to no end.

Right now I just needed to vent a little bit without saying much.  That's something that I'm good at.  Talking lots without saying much.  Can you tell I that I don't have an English degree?

Oh well, I'm back to work tomorrow and there's going questions.  Not that it's anybody's business why I got suspended.  Karma is a bitch and it's going to slap somebody in the face some day.  I just hope I'm on vacation or retired when it happens.

Unwanted phone calls

In the last five minutes, I've gotten two  unwanted phone calls.  The first one for air duct cleaning, which allows me to make a choice....