Sunday, April 15, 2018

Crappy Weather Day

Anyone who lives in Southwestern Ontario this weekend knows it's a crappy weekend because of the weather.  There's an ice-storm in progress and it's providing a good reason to stay inside.

What's on my mind today?  After having a 8 hour suspension from work, I am glad I cancelled the car reservation that I made for this weekend.  I don't have the money for it and I wouldn't want to be out driving in this weather.

Right now as it stands, it has been a year and a half since my car broke down and died.  Which leaves me few options on how to get out of town.  One of them being renting a car.  I love the option of being able to rent a car from a local place but it sucks to pay out more money than what it's worth.  I definitely don't look like this when it happens.

Unfortunately, I'm still looking at a debt that I'm paying off from two years ago.  Between the "special assessment" for the condo that I live in, the car repairs and the already existing  on the line of credit, it has been a long road to paying nearly $7000 completely off.  This is based on the fact that I don't have a boyfriend/husband or a room-mate to help out with the household expenses.

<PAUSED - due to google search>

Okay, now I'm miffed about what I've just found.  Enterprise rent-a-car sucks the big one.  I don't know how many times I needed to rent a car for just a day and Enterprise doesn't do it with any deals.  I've found a site that provides multiple deals that include renting a car for a day - even if it's in the middle of the week.  What gives with Enterprise only giving you a deal if you rent for a week or weekend?

Oh well, I've found a new site that does what I'd like.  Now back to the piss, poor day that has me doing housework that I don't want to do.  I'm finally getting around to doing laundry, light dusting and general housework.  Did I mention that I don't like doing it?  Point being, I'm doing it now so that I can do what I want when there's nice weather outside.  I hope that it isn't too bad for my trip into work tomorrow on the bus.

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