Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Something Positive

For almost three years, I've been without a car and taking the local transit to/from work.  I appreciate the fact that there is a transit system in my city and it's there for the local to use as needed.  However, after having a car and then going without one, the transit system started to wear on my nerves.

I finally had enough money set aside to buy a "new" car.  Or at least a new car to me.  It's a Sonic 2013 and it gets me to and from work, I can get groceries without lugging them on the bus and I can get the heck out of town as needed during the warm months.

The one really good thing that's happened to me in the last three months.

I just need to remember not to eat in car or leave any garbage.  I want to keep it as clean as long as possible.

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