Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Unwanted phone calls

In the last five minutes, I've gotten two  unwanted phone calls.  The first one for air duct cleaning, which allows me to make a choice.  Either screw with the caller or tell them I live in an elven story high-rise.  Which of course, cuts the call short.

The second one, from Marriott hotels.  I get this call at least once a week saying I "won" a free stay. Ghee whiz, I barely have enough to pay for the new car and car insurance and someone thinks I have money to burn on a hotel room?

Thankfully with the cell phone I got recently, I can block those phone calls. but they still manage to get through.  Don't know how but they do.

Something Positive

For almost three years, I've been without a car and taking the local transit to/from work.  I appreciate the fact that there is a transit system in my city and it's there for the local to use as needed.  However, after having a car and then going without one, the transit system started to wear on my nerves.

I finally had enough money set aside to buy a "new" car.  Or at least a new car to me.  It's a Sonic 2013 and it gets me to and from work, I can get groceries without lugging them on the bus and I can get the heck out of town as needed during the warm months.

The one really good thing that's happened to me in the last three months.

I just need to remember not to eat in car or leave any garbage.  I want to keep it as clean as long as possible.

When will it end?

This will be a disjointed posting since I'm flitting from one thought to the next and wonder how to deal with the big steaming pile of bull that comes from working with stupid people.  Excuse me, people who don't care to hear what you have to say or want to hear you.

I've come to the conclusion that the only time I use this blog is when I need to vent.

Certainly it's an outlet for my frustration but it isn't something that can assist with the crap I deal with at work.

At the beginning of the year I was beginning to believe things were settling down at work.  No BS from co-workers, no problems with the work I was doing, everything seemed to be going well.  When I forgot how well everything was going, I realized the "work" universe hadn't kicked me in the butt lately.  I knew things were going to go wrong that karma was going to bite me on the butt.

Recently, I switched job/tasks within the department I work.  This was due to my need to change and do something else.  I needed to do work that allowed me not to be bored and not worry about answering phones.

Did I mention I hate answering phones at work?  Not that I have a problem answering phone calls, I just don't care for people who call asking for items that don't exist or call items by a name that isn't what they want.  Not only that, I switched sites over five years ago and didn't receive the required training that I should have.  Which makes it difficult to do the job if I don't know what I'm doing.

When I switched jobs a couple months ago,  I did have a trainer and received two weeks of training.  Which is unusual in itself.  The problem is I'm full time and the trainer was part time.  I have no idea what I was suppose to be trained on when the trainer hasn't done the job in over the last year.  Which compounds the problem of not knowing if I'm being shown everything that I should be.

The kicker is the part timer who was doing a temp on the job for almost two years before I took the job declined to train me.  All because this person has a bug up their butt with my name on it and would rather be obnoxious and rude to me than train me.

Three months into the job, I make a mistake that I knew was a boo-boo.  Next thing I know, I'm back on the job that bores me to tears.  BORING!  That doesn't even explain it clearly, I'm not being challenge.  Of course it's the big boss who says "we're moving you temporarily back" but doesn't get an end date.

Today, one of the "idiot sticks" does the dumbest things that I can't understand.  I ask why and the person causes a scene and I get the 5th degree from management who doesn't want to hear my side of the story.

I don't know who's worse.  The coordinators who have staff members attached to the their back sides or the manager who doesn't care and doesn't want to hear anything from you.  I swear, if you're not a brown noser for management, you're just a pile of dog shit .

I'm to the point in  my work life that I'm too close to retirement to up and change jobs.  But the closer I get to retirement, the more stupid I find my co-workers,  It doesn't help that the department I work in is a social club and not an actual job for many people.  A lot of them, if they worked somewhere else would be out of a job.

I am so frustrated by the stupidity of what I have to deal with on a daily basis, that I really don't know what to do or why I keep putting up with it.  The wishful dream I have is to buy the winning lottery ticket and find my peace of mind.

Unwanted phone calls

In the last five minutes, I've gotten two  unwanted phone calls.  The first one for air duct cleaning, which allows me to make a choice....