Wednesday, April 11, 2018

When good people are punished.

After many years of putting up with BS at work, I've gotten my first day off - un-paid. All because of a co-worker who hasn't got the sense that God gave a little chicken.  It doesn't matter at the moment what went wrong or why, it just did.

I'm very aware that I'll never win the Miss Congeniality award based on my work life.  However, I've got a decent  work ethic.  I go to work and get paid to do work.  My co-workers, are the laziest people I've seen.  They believe it's a social club and not a hospital.

All those lazy, socially inept people seem to think it's okay to crap on those who actually work.  The only thing saving them is the union.  Seriously, management needs to crack down on the BS that's going on.  Showing up late for work, standing around for great length of time and complaining that they are the hardest working people when they haven't done anything in two hours. It bothers me to no end.

Right now I just needed to vent a little bit without saying much.  That's something that I'm good at.  Talking lots without saying much.  Can you tell I that I don't have an English degree?

Oh well, I'm back to work tomorrow and there's going questions.  Not that it's anybody's business why I got suspended.  Karma is a bitch and it's going to slap somebody in the face some day.  I just hope I'm on vacation or retired when it happens.

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